Metallic and Conditioned Cut Wire

Enhance your peening performance !

Boost the efficiency and longevity of your peening processes with our Cut Wire, a premium abrasive shot engineered for superior performance. Made by cutting wire into precise lengths matching the wire diameter, this manufacturing method creates a uniform, mono-grain shot that delivers exceptional durability, even at high blasting velocities.

As-cut products can be used in foundry and desanding applications, conditioned cut wire is specifically designed for shot peening applications across industries such as Automotive & Trucks, Oil & Gas, General Industry, and Aerospace.

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Users benefits

Users benefits

Why Choose Cut Wire?

Cut Wire offers several advantages that enhance your operations and deliver superior performance. Here are some key benefits:


Cut Wire is manufactured to high standards, ensuring a consistent and reliable shot media for optimal performance in various applications.

Technical assistance

Our team provides expert support to help you select and utilize the right cut wire for your specific needs, ensuring maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

Performances of cut wire

Performances of cut wire

Higher Energy 

With very few flaws, cracks and voids, metallic cut wire has the advantage of having a very high density compared to traditional shot, giving them more impact energy, which results in faster peening, cleaning or blasting. 

Low breakage 

Cut Wire’s manufacturing process produces little or no defects, resulting in reduced media consumption, reduced media rejects, and a lower risk of surface contamination, product impingement, and surface dust. 

Constant intensity 

The performance of shot peening is not only measured at an instant “T”, but by the regularity of the process. With longer lasting shot abrasives, your operational mix will be more stable over time, increasing overall peening process efficiency, including blast pattern, filtration system and finished product consistency. 

Very high hardness available  

A wide range of hardnesses is available, even going up to 800 HV, making cut wire ideal for all peening processes. 

For all your needs 

Our wide range of cut wire shot is available in steel, stainless steel, aluminum, zinc, and many other metal, from 0.25 mm to 3 mm in diameter, from very hard to extremely soft, making it the perfect solution for all your challenging blasting and most demanding peening needs. 

Cut Wire Peening media

Markets and applications of Cut Wire

Markets and applications of Cut Wire

Applications Across Key Industries

Cut Wire is widely used across various sectors due to its outstanding performance and versatility. Its superior qualities make it an ideal choice for enhancing the durability and functionality of components in several critical industries:


Enhances precision in peening automotive parts, providing superior surface finish for critical components like engine blocks, gears and springs.


Delivers consistent results in preparing surfaces for high-performance coatings and peen forming, ensuring durability and corrosion resistance in extreme environments.

Oil & Gas

Strengthens critical oil and gas components by enhancing fatigue resistance by peening, ensuring long-term durability in high-stress environments such as pipelines and drilling equipment.

Conditioning Levels of Cut Wire

Conditioning Levels of Cut Wire

Different Levels of Conditioning

Cut wire is typically available at various conditioning levels. Conditioning improves its durability, but also makes sure to reduce risks of denting parts.  

The characteristics of the 4 conditioning levels are : 

  • CW – As Cut
  • G1 – Single Conditioned (CCW)
  • G2 – Double conditioned (DCCW)
  • G3 – Spherically conditioned SCCW) 

Overall, the level of conditioning for cut wire will depend on your specific application and requirements. By choosing the right level of conditioned cut wire, you can ensure that you are using the most effective and efficient abrasive for your particular needs. 

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Cut Wire

Specifications of Cut Wire

Specifications of Cut Wire

Standard Range and Custom Options

Below you will find the standard range of our regular cut wire shot media, which includes various dimensions and hardness levels to meet general needs. For specific requirements, additional dimensions, hardness options, and custom specifications are available upon request

CUT WIRE Technical Data Sheet 
Product name & 
Nominal size (Sieve #) (Other sizes available upon request) 







0.3mm diam 

0.35mm diam 

0.4mm diam 

0.5mm diam 

0.6mm diam 

0.7mm diam 

0.8mm diam 








0.9mm diam 

1.0mm diam 

1.2mm diam 

1.4mm diam 

1.6mm diam 

1.8mm diam 

2.0mm diam 

Available Specifications  VDFI8001 – ISO11124-1 – AMS2431/3 – AMS2431/8 – SAE J441 

Other specifications upon request 

Chemical composition available  High-carbon Steel 

Low-carbon Steel 

Stainless steel 302, 304, 430 

Aluminum CW 

Zinc CW 

Other chemistries upon request 

Hardness Range 


45-52 HRc (AMS) – 55-62 HRc (AMS) 

450 HV up to 830 HV 0.5/1 

Other hardness ranges upon request 

Hardness Range 

(Stainless steel) 

200 – 300 HV  

Other hardness ranges upon request 

General shape  CW – As Cut  

CCW – Single Conditioned (G1) 

DCCW – Double Conditioned (G2) 

SCCW – Spherically Conditioned (G3) 

Packaging  Typically: 25kg bags on pallet – 900 kg steel drum – 1000 kg big bag 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about cut wire

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about cut wire

Exploring common inquiries on cut wire

Cut Wire shot reduces waste due to its durability and long lifespan, leading to fewer replacements and less environmental impact

Cut wire’s consistent performance and high energy impact result in faster and more efficient cleaning and peening processes, reducing overall operational time.

Yes, Cut Wire is suitable for automated shot peening systems, providing reliable and consistent results in automated environments.

Factors such as the specific application, desired durability, and risk of part denting should be considered when selecting the conditioning level of cut wire.

Feel free to ask us more questions.

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Resources & downloads

Resources & downloads

Conditioned Cut Wire shot Brochure
