Site map
- 3 reasons to maintain your Separator System.
- A tailored webinar for Jindal SAW Ltd: innovating for customer support
- ACPC the 7th Consortium is building the future!
- Adding WALUE to the blasting operations of Cleveland Bridge
- AMPP – Annual conference on metallic surface preparation
- At the Forefront of the 18th Middle East Corrosion Conference (MECC) 2023
- Blast Innovation & Efficiency Day 2025 – Denmark
- Blasting in Foundries: Towards cost reduction and increased efficiency
- Case studies Volvo Construction Equipment
- Contamination of Metal Surfaces: What are the risks?
- Customer Event 2024: Revolutionizing Industrial Surface Preparation
- Customers technical seminar in Dubai
- Discover W Abrasives’ New Packaging
- Do you have the eye to reduce your blasting costs?
- Download your shotblast machine daily & monthly operations guides
- Eder Strahltechnik: now part of the Winoa family
- EI Shot Peening Workshop
- Focus on blasting control process to guarantee cleaning success!
- GET TECHNICAL 2023: Exploration of surface preparation innovation
- Grand Opening of Winoa-2Effe India
- How about “TCO”, W Abrasives truth about blasting costs ?
- How IKB Test Center Impressed Petrobras?
- How to Limit Machine Wear? The 5 Advantages of Hybrid Shot™
- How to Prevent Downtime of Your Shotblasting Machines?
- How WA Clean helped Stanley Black & Decker slash production costs
- IFEX 2024 – Foundry Exhibition – India
- Important Updates to Stelux Stainless Steel Products
- Interview of Pierre Coste, “Choosing the optimal steel abrasive: more than just shot and grit!
- Interview on health and safety with Prasertsri Saithong
- Interview on health and safety with Rehan Ahmad
- Interview with Alexandre Faust, Group Health & Safety Director
- Interview with Joan Samuel by MFN: Bringing Shot-Peening Excellence to India and Beyond
- Interview with Michel Quéré, CIO of Winoa: A Career Lived as an Adventure
- Join us at FABTECH Chicago: Harnessing the Power of Innovation
- Join us at FENAF 2024!
- Join us at the 2024 Chlorinated Conference!
- Join Winoa at MECSPE 2025
- KOVOBRASIV Mnisek is celebrating it’s 60th anniversary under the theme: Shaping the Future Together!
- Launching of the WA COST App on iPhones
- Learn how to safeguard your teams during blasting operations.
- Managing Sticky Dust in Abrasive Blasting
- Market Insights: all you need to know about steel trends in 2024
- Mastering shot blasting: Advanced training on wheelblast turbine machines
- MC-Globe & Winoa at the RPA Exhibition
- Meet us at Foundry Congress Hamar 2024!
- Metalloobrabotka 2017, Russia
- MFN – Pioneering the Future of Shot Blasting Industry
- MFN CEO Of america interview
- MFN-Taking Care of Your Machine…Not That One!
- New Name: Introducing Winoa Korea
- Non-Ferrous metal surface preparation: The benefits of Stelux™ CG abrasive
- October 2016, the 6th seminar Consortium “Anti-corrosion pipe coating” took place in Russia
- Outsource your industrial parts shotblasting
- Paintsquare: Ensuring a successful blasting operations
- Paintsquare: WA Clean Technology designated Product of the Year!
- Pipeline Coating Conference 2017 in Vienna
- Preparing tomorrow’s surfaces: A new identity for Winoa
- Press review: Grenoble and Dauphiné Affiches & Winoa
- Review of the ATF Technical Day on Shotblasting, an Immersive Experience with Winoa
- Safety day at Winoa France site
- Season’s greetings by Winoa teams
- Shot Blasting and Surface Preparation Training: Winoa Brazil Shares Its Expertise
- Shot blasting optimization in Asia: solutions and methods
- Shot blasting: 5 essential reasons to collaborate with Winoa
- Shot Blasting: Enhancing Surface Treatment
- Showcasing Innovative Abrasive Solutions at the Korean Die Casting Conference
- Solar energy: one more step for Winoa Thailand!
- Success of Baosteel: the benefits to use Stainum Premium Product
- Success Story : How to reduce abrasive consumption and machine wear for efficient cleaning of castings?
- Success Story : Increase the performance of the blasting process
- Success Story : Profilium at the Service of Brazilian Agriculture
- Success Story of blasting costs reduction at a cast iron foundry
- Success Story of Brass Technics Systems,how increase productivity without changing the surface appearance
- Success Story of Bredero Shaw, Malaysia
- Success Story of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) for ship’s outside blasting surface
- Success Story of Hutchinson Paulstra, France
- Success Story of Luitpoldhütte, How W Abrasives experts become TrialAdvisor?
- Success Story of Nietiedt Oberflächentechnik Hamburg, Germany
- Success Story of Prezioso Linjebygg & Phenics, a successful collaborative project
- Success Story of Surface Protection for the Storbrücke Bridge, Hannover, Germany
- Success Story of Transpnevmatika, provide an industrial solution to obtain a result of sufficient cleanliness.
- Success Story of Wheelabrator Allevard Kurgan, excellent supplier
- Success Story, Why Linfen choose Stainium product ?
- Success Story: A successful long term partnership between the metal casting division of PSA Group and WINOA.
- Success Story: How to improve sealing efficiency and reduce safety risks in a bottom pour forging application?
- Surface preparation answers for Wind Towers
- Technological transformation for energy efficiency and sustainability in steel shot manufacturing at Winoa Thailand
- Thank You for 2024: Your Favorite Winoa Moments
- The 2018 Corrosion Trade Show and Conference in Arizona
- The Airwash abrasive separator in a shot blasting system.
- The blast cabinet
- The Blast Media Recovery System
- The Importance of having a Balanced Operating Mix
- The keys to shot blasting: leveraging technical centers for optimal results
- The magic of the Wheel
- The new chapter of Peerless: How Winoa is elevating the legacy
- The science behind Hot Spot Adjustment in shot blasting operations
- The Solution for Descaling Steel Surfaces: Advantages of Premium Stainium Steel Abrasive
- The SSPC 2017 in Florida
- The SSPC 2018 in New Orleans
- Toyo Seiko & Winoa, a new winning proposition for the cut wire shot peening market
- Trial in our Test Center with no limits. Seize the opportunity and reap the benefits!
- Tudoksad Seminar – we have customized solutions even for the most challenging customer needs!
- Understanding Standards and Regulations in the Shot Blasting Industry
- Unlocking Shot Blasting Efficiency: Technical Training for Industrial Professionals
- W Abrasives adds grit to its stainless range: Stelux CG
- W Abrasives at ACPC, increase for all the Anti-Corrosion knowledge
- W Care goes digital: Discover how we provide remote consulting services
- WA Clean technology gets ISO Committee approval!
- Wa Clean, surface cleanliness measurement tool
- WA3D: It has never been easier to measure your surface profile.
- Welcome to the New Horizons Project
- Welcome to W Abrasives’ New Digital Presence
- What is the difference between shot peening and shot blasting?
- Why steel grit outperforms Mineral, Sand and Garnet in airblasting?
- Why use Aluminum Oxide for shot blasting and surface preparation?
- Why use Round Steel Shot for your surface preparation?
- Winoa achieved certification from Bombardier, the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains.
- Winoa and Canam: Over 20 years of partnership in continuous improvement.
- Winoa at A3TS congress in Toulouse
- Winoa at CastExpo & Metalcasting Congress
- Winoa at Fabtech Orlando
- Winoa Brazil Celebrates 50 Years of Excellence in Steel Abrasives Industry
- Winoa has discontinued the production and distribution of Phenics equipment.
- Winoa Iberica: 90 years of industrial passion and sustainable transformation
- Winoa improves Total Cost of Blasting with Hybrid Shot
- Winoa Inaugurates the World’s Most Modern and Eco-Friendly Steel Abrasives Plant in Balmaseda
- Winoa is committed to protect the environment.
- Winoa partnership BK-I Innovative Technik
- Winoa renews its Ecovadis Silver Medal for CSR excellence
- Winoa takes part to Ankiros 2024 in Turkey
- Winoa unveils its first shot-peening site in India
- Winoa’s Commitment to Quality: Understanding ISO Certifications in Abrasive Manufacturing
- Workshop on Blasting and Cleaning Brazil
- Your shotblasting solutions at your fingertips: discover Winoa’s online stores!
- About Us
- Abrasives
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- Blast Check Kit
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- SDS – Safety Data Sheet – EN
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- Tech center Brasil
- Wheelabrator Allevard to Winoa
- Your industry
- Your needs
- Almen Strip & Tools
- Aluminum Cut Wire
- Chilled Iron Grit
- Cold Forge Steel Media
- Cut Wire
- Dust Tape Testing Kit
- HD Cut Wire
- Hybrid Shot
- Low Carbon Cast Steel Shot
- Pantatec
- Profilium
- ProWheelium
- Rain Balls: sustainable cleaning media for incinerators & smelters
- Replica Tape
- Stainium
- Stainless steel cut wire
- Steel Grit
- Steel Shot
- Stelux™ C
- Stelux™ CG
- Stelux™ CN
- Surfium
- Ultra soft shot
- WA 3D
- WA Clean surface cleanliness
- Wamo Kit
- Zinc Cut Wire
- (no title)
- “No Sodium Added” Steel Abrasives
- Accurate cleanliness evaluation of blasted surfaces
- Advantages of GP Angular Shot
- AG-0 Granite Cutting
- Almen Strips and accessories
- AMS Shot
- Bandes Almen
- Blast check kit (Português)
- Blasting cost reduction: the Winoa approach
- Brochure AMS
- Brochure Barre d’armature
- Brochure Conductivité
- Brochure Eoliennes
- Brochure fil coupé
- Brochure Grenaille Ronde Acier HC
- Brochure HPG
- Brochure HPG
- Brochure Hybrid shot
- Brochure Pipeline
- Brochure Profilium
- Brochure santé & sécurité
- Brochure Stainium
- Brochure Stelux C
- Brochure Stelux CG
- Brochure Stelux CN
- Brochure Surfium
- Brochure WA Clean
- Certificate IQNET Iso 50001:2018
- Certification ISO 14001 – France
- Certification ISO 45001- France
- Certification ISO 50001 – France
- Certification ISO 90001 – India Winoa-2Effe
- Certification ISO 9001 – France
- Cleaning_Generic
- CLP High Carbon Steel Abrasives
- CLP Refined Iron Ingots
- CLP Stelux
- Code de Conduite – Partenaires commerciaux
- Code de Conduite professionnelle
- Code of Business Conduct
- Code of business conduct Czech version
- Code of business conduct Germany
- Code of business conduct Korean version
- Code of business conduct Portuguese version
- Code of business conduct Slovenian version
- Code of business conduct Thai version
- Cold Forge Steel Shot & Grit
- Condizioni di acquisto
- Condizioni Di Vendita
- Conductivity Brochure
- Corporate Brochure – German – 2023-11
- Cut Wire (Alambre cortado de alta durabilidad)
- Cut Wire (Fil coupé HD)
- Cut wire (Hochbeständiges Drahtkorn)
- Cut Wire (português)
- Cut Wire (ลวดตััดความ)
- Cut Wire High Durability
- Dossier de presse anniversaire Winoa 60 ans
- Elcometer Surface Comparator
- Etichettatura Ambientale
- GP Angular-Shot
- Granitium+
- Green Pledge
- Green Pledge Leaflet [Fr]
- HC スチールグリット
- High Carbon Steel Grit
- High Carbon Steel Shot SAE
- How to Optimize Surface Preparation
- HPG Cast Steel Media
- Hybrid Shot Steel Media
- Hybrid Shot, Premium pour fonderies
- Interview of ceo’s america Bill Cousineau
- ISO 140001 Certification Japan
- ISO 14001 Certificate
- ISO 14001 Certificate Brasil
- ISO 14001 certificate Korea (EN)
- ISO 14001 certificate Korea (KOR)
- ISO 14001 Certificate Spain
- ISO 14001 Certificate Spain
- ISO 14001 Certification Thailand
- ISO 14001 Winoa Abrasiv Muta
- ISO 45001 Certificate Brasil
- ISO 45001 Certificate Brasil
- ISO 45001 certificate Korea (EN)
- ISO 45001 certificate Korea (KOR)
- ISO 45001 Certificate Spain
- ISO 45001 Certificate Spain
- ISO 45001 Certificate Winoa Canada
- ISO 45001 Certification Japan
- ISO 45001 Certification Thailand
- ISO 45001 Winoa Abrasiv Muta
- ISO 5001 Winoa Abrasiv Muta
- ISO 9001 Certificate
- ISO 9001 Certificate Brasil
- ISO 9001 Certificate Korea (ENG)
- ISO 9001 Certificate Korea (KOR)
- ISO 9001 Certificate Spain
- ISO 9001 Certificate Spain
- ISO 9001 Certification Czech-Republic
- ISO 9001 Certification Japan
- ISO 9001 Certification Thailand
- ISO 9001 Certification United-Kingdom
- ISO 9001 Winoa Abrasiv Muta
- Korea product brochure
- Leaflet AMS German version
- Leaflet Conductivity german version
- Leaflet cutwire product german version
- Leaflet High Carbon Steel Shot german version
- Leaflet HPG german version
- Leaflet hybrid-shot german version
- Leaflet pipeline german version
- Leaflet Profilium german version
- Leaflet Rebar german version
- Leaflet Services German version
- Leaflet stainium german version
- Leaflet Stelux C German version
- Leaflet Stelux CG german version
- Leaflet Stelux CN german version
- Leaflet surfium product german version
- Leaflet WACLEAN German Version
- Leaflet Windmill german version
- Manuel technique d’utilisation Pantatec Ultimate
- Metabrasive Iron Grit and shot media product data sheet
- Metabrasive Retirement Benefit Scheme (the “Scheme”)
- Metabrasive Retirement Benefits Scheme – IS0008380 ESG REPORT
- MFN – Winoa – Interview Pierre Coste
- MFN Article : 3D Topography for Surface Preparation
- MFN Article: Surface Cleanliness Measurement Tool
- MFN: Key function of a blast machine
- MFN: Maintaining Your Wheel Blast Machine
- MFN: The importance of having a balanced operating mix
- Notre engagement environnemental
- Pantatec Ultimate FR
- Pantatec: Application Instructions
- Pantatec: Shot blasting & degreasing… in one clean sweep.
- Peening and blasting Product Offer
- Press folder Winoa 60 years
- Privacy Policy
- Profilium Steel Grit
- Programme de Formation
- Prowheelium
- Qualiopi Certificate
- REACH High Carbon Steel Abrasives
- REACH Refined Iron Ingots
- REACH Stelux
- Rebar
- Report on fighting against forced labour and child labour in supply chains – Canada
- Report on fighting against forced labour and child labour in supply chains – USA
- Sample Card SAE FR
- SDS High Carbon Steel Abrasive
- SDS Steel Cut Wire Shot – For information only
- SDS Stelux CG Grit – For information only
- SDS Stelux Stainless Steel Shot & Grit – For information only
- Service Brochure W Care [FR]
- Servicios WCare
- Serviços WCare
- Stainium
- Stelux C
- Stelux CG
- Stelux CN
- Success Story Profilium 58
- Surfium
- Take Control Blasting Operation with WA Blastcheck kit
- UFS Ultra Fine Shot
- W Care Daily Blast Machine Check list
- W Care Service Brochure
- WA Clean
- Wa-Mo Kit Product Datasheet
- Why use Round Steel Shot for your surface preparation
- Why work with Winoa for Pipeline Applications
- Windmill
- Winoa : feuille de route environnemental
- Winoa : le cycle de la grenaille d’acier
- Winoa brochure corporate 2023 EN
- Winoa brochure d’entreprise
- Winoa Business Partners – Code of Conduct
- Winoa Group Health & Safety Policy
- Winoa Purchasing Way
- Winoa UK Retirement Benefits Scheme (SIP)
- Zero Valent Iron ZVI Aggregate
- บริการ WCare
- サービス WCare