Winoa Skandinavien
Postal address: WINOA Skandinavien AB
Box 13120
402 52 Göteborg
Visiting adress:
Winoa Skandinavien AB
Marieholmsgatan 42
415 02 Göteborg
Patrik Stiernstrand
National Sales Manager Scandinavia

Exciting news!
Metabrasive AB changes its name to Winoa Skandinavien AB
The legacy from Steve Wiliams and Lars Böhlin takes a new turn.
They founded Metabrasive AB in 1991 and we are now thrilled to announce that after over 30 years of being part of the Winoa family.
Metabrasive AB is changing its name to Winoa Skandinavien AB, effective April 1st, 2023.
This name change will help us to better align with the different entities of the Winoa group and promote our values, services, technologies, and vision more easily to our partners.
We kindly ask all of to update our company data in their files.